Welcome Workflow Tools!

How can I make this one step better?

For more than two decades I would see myself repeating a mundane task over and over and would eventually figure out a ways to reduce those tasks to a minimum. It was hobby and passion of mine. Now.. fast forward.

Workflow Tools has kinda been in the works since 2012.. a long time ago, I know. I had created a simple application that helped make file renaming easier. Then we would find ourselves opening Photoshop just to quickly prep images for IMAG screens, so I added an Image Pad over a Blur app. And then again, one year at an event people where people were uploading and transferring huge amounts of images off of their cameras to the web. This brought about an app to max-width and resize the images.

So yeah, over the years I had simplified a bunch of little actions. Not trying to over-complicate them, but keep them simple. Today, we are launching Workflow Tools that takes the best of these little apps into one.. and entirely re-written from Objective-C to Swift :)

Read more about it here!

As you use the app and find more functions the would be helpful, please let us know. I would love to continue to expand what all Workflow Tools can do to help make things a few clicks easier for you and your teams.

A big thank you..

Thanks to my friends who knew we had this up our sleeves and pushed us to make it a real product. We, and I hope you, are glad we did!

- Matt